Wednesday, November 16, 2011


When will the tears stop flowing.  When can I be at work and see a little baby come through the door and not get upset.  Sitting here at my office, I enter payments into quickbooks through the blur of tears.  A patient comes in the door bringing her sweet little new born baby.  She has her photo book with her as well.  She talks about how her pregnancy was so easy.  No pain, no sickness.  The baby weighed the perfect amount.  We all stand around her asking questions and marveling at this miracle of birth.  Oooohhhing and awwwwing over the sweet little baby in it's carrier.  I do my part to add to the celebration then walk back into my office to mourn what I so far cannot do or have.  I am tired of the sadness.  The pain.  Tired of feeling like I cannot have or do what others so easily can.  I am tired of feeling as though I'm always on the outside.  Trying to imagine what it will be like to go through all of the things most women get to go through. 

I want to rage, I want to cry, I want to curl up in a hole and not come out.  I want to be like everyone else and finally have the blessing and miracle that is my hearts desire.


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel, or at least I think I do. The teenagers I see getting pregnant so easily haunts me sometimes. A teacher I work with who just had her baby in October won't even talk about him much because she knows another teacher (who also has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I probably won't ever have a baby. But you know what? I truly hope great things happen for you this year. I am counting on it. :) A new life and marriage for me. A blessed child for you. Love you so much!

  2. Hi Robin...I have been going through infertility for over 2 years now and even though we are at different places in our journey I would REALLY love to connect with you - maybe email or skype?!?! As a fellow woman of God I am so struggling with this whole thing and seeing your videos on youtube (some of them I have watched a few times) and reading your blog gives me hope. It is just so nice to hear someone else is in the same boat. I also believe the Lord has a plan and even though man plans his life- the Lord plans our steps! Love and hate that verse :) Anyway...I know you are probably a very busy woman but to connect with you would be awesome! I am available to chat today (if by chance that worked for you- my email is and skype name is jillianabbott26. My husband and I are thinking about adoption and have open hearts! Hope to visit with you soon :)

    Thanks Robin for being so open and so real. Means alot!


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