Friday, April 6, 2012


Wow, it's spring time here in California.  I love spring.  It is nice to finally feel like we are getting out of the winter blah's.  Start seeing more sunshine and a few days of warm weather here and there.  I get real excited about the new spring clothes I can pull out of my closet and start wearing again.  The past several months have been tough.  We finally were approved by our adoption agency and are now "On the Books" and available to be seen by birthmom's all over the country.  That was a super exciting day when we passed the paperwork hurdle and entered the waiting hurdle.  Even though we have only been "waiting" for a few months, it actually seems we have been waiting for years.  Wait a minute!  We HAVE been waiting for years.  HA!  How much longer is our wait?? 

Here is a great picture I found from a sweet girl named Whitney.  I have been following her blog as she and her husband struggle with infertility and are on a journey of adoption. She made this picture and I thought it was a great example of the infertility road.
If it wasn't for my strong faith in God I don't think I could make it through the emotions of all of ths.  But God continues to give me strength every day.  I know that Jeff and I will be parents.  He has an amazing little child picked out and planned for us.  The "waiting" will be but a spec when that precious baby is in our home.  I know this child will be so special and has such a plan and destiny on it's life.

In the meantime, until we meet you sweet baby, we wait.  And boy, we know it will be worth it.